Yoga Therapy

Yoga Therapy is a simple, natural practice that brings us to our true nature.

Yoga practices are an ideal way to release our bodies from the discomforts, countering the wear and tear we undergo due to modern lifestyles.

Our bodies house our memories and emotions. Through postures, breath awareness and meditative techniques you will explore the relationship between our subtle (thoughts and feelings) and physical body. To release old patterns and creating new space.

Being at home in the body is being deeply connected to our heart and mind.

Our bodies reflect our hearts, are shaped in large degree by our minds ‘and feel’ our thoughts and emotions before the mind even realises them.

Restorative Yoga enables great physical and psychological changes, contributing towards healing for many people.

In this pressured world, we rarely give our body a chance to settle back into equilibrium after a period of intense activity or anxiety. As a result, the body becomes flooded by stress hormones. This leads to a build up of toxins and it this becomes normal to our nervous system, which in turn keeps us in a state of readiness.

An important part of yoga is breathing exercises and relaxation techniques, which activate the part of the nervous system that is responsible for breathing and heart rate. As a result a persons cortisol levels decrease

With practice, we allow mind and body to find a natural state of balance rather than “revved up and raring to go”.

The Yoga practices designed to provide a restful and restoring experience, come into their own when a person has reached a point of deep fatigue or simply feeling fragile. A regular Yoga session would give our body a chance to rest and begin to heal in a way that can never be achieved by lying down and “resting” because we’re tired.

Or simply put “active relaxation”.

The emphasis is on relaxation and rest – but not sleep!

Pre and post-surgery

Modern medicine acknowledges that Yoga both prior and post-surgery can maintain a speedier recovery.

Our personal experiences have aided a wide range of clients with a range of matters from spinal disc issues, pregnancy, Knee/Hip and Heart Surgery’s, an have been instrumental in effectively maximising rehabilitation.

The Testimonials can be found on our homepage