
Yoga can complement productivity. Sitting at a desk for hours can leave employees feeling lethargic and sluggish.

Do you, your colleague’s or your staff experience ;

  • Back pain, neck pain or headaches?
  • Suffer from stress, sometimes feel overwhelmed by deadlines?
  • Take days off sick?
  • Find that your mind wanders from the task at hand?
  • Get easily frustrated with work, your colleagues, even your customers

Less sick days lost

Yoga revitalizes the immune system and the major organs of the body, removing waste products such as alcohol up to three times more quickly.
Improved immunity means fewer workdays are lost through colds, fatigue and other non-specific illnesses.

Less back pain

numerous working days are lost due to back pain each year in the UK. The stronger, healthier backs that result from a regular yoga practice will significantly reduce the number of sick days missed.

Better problem solving skills

Yoga harmonizes the left and right sides of the brain so that logical and creative thought come together as one.

Creative inspiration should become increasingly common

Quicker response time

with regular yoga training you will see immediately improved mental concentration and focus.

The ability to Stay Cool

Stress is all around us, Yogic breathing methods and stretches create a genuine sense of inner and outer space. Tightening deadlines, interpersonal conflict and other stresses will lose their grip as you learn to breathe and feel more grounded.

The Happiness Factor

Yoga physiologically transforms apathy and depression by oxygenating the brain and increasing the level of endorphins in the blood.

Energy and Vitality

Yoga awakens hidden energy reserves within your nervous, endocrine and Cardio-vascular systems so that lethargy and fatigue are replaced by feeling alive and attentive.

Improved Self Esteem

People work better when they feel good about themselves.

By executing physical yet entertaining yoga postures, your confidence will grow – even after your first class.

Stronger Team Bonds

Taking yoga classes together is a way to build better communication between members of a team and even have fun.

Programs we Offer

The Beginner’s Way

Straightforward Yoga basics to strengthen and lengthen the muscles of the body, deepen your breathing and rejuvenate your mental membranes.

The Calm Down

Enjoy a stress free, leisurely journey through the most soothing of yoga postures, incorporating focused breathwork with visualization, a Restorative style session. Deep peace and lots of release guaranteed

The Warrior’s Workout

A dynamic sequence of energising yoga poses designed to liberate untapped sources of energy and confidence within you. A booster anytime but especially good in the morning or early in the week. It’s a Yang thang.

Bonding through Bending

A fun partner sequence of yoga poses which not only deliver the regular benefits of yoga, but also promote trust and communication between individuals. Ideal for environments where employees spend too much time alone or with their PC.

The Executive Special

Indulge yourself a little further with either a one-to-one or small group class specifically designed to suit individual needs and abilities. Take the time – you deserve.


For inner-peace seekers or anyone who wants to taste a quiet, non – chattering mind, using practical breathing techniques.

Yoga Workshops

Our half or full-day workshops are ideal for team building, stress management, company spa days and before or after social events.

Learn poses that you can employ at your desk. Discover how to breathe your way through turbulent times. Deeper your knowledge of a particular style of Yoga. Treat your injuries/imbalances.

Experience Meditation… You’ll feel the effects for days